Enrich our youth’s future by becoming a Seeding Circle sustaining supporter. Your steady stream of support helps provide critical funding throughout the year!
Your Gift Makes A Difference

Become a Monthly Donor
and help ignite the passion of STEAMED career pathways and spark the flames of nature-based education for youth.
Donors can join ELSO's Seeding Circle Community for just $24 a month!
You become part of a cause you believe in
without having to make a substantial one-time donation.
With your donation we can:
Provide culturally relevant environmental education.
Remove barriers to make quality science and environmental education accessible.
Take kids on unique educational field trips and outdoor excursions to local parks, waterways, wetlands, state, regional and national forests and parks across the Pacific Northwest.
Provide competitively paid summer jobs and leadership development opportunities for young adults.
Create unique learning opportunities for youth to learn from educators about STEAMED field professionals.
Camp ELSO is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Unless noted, no goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution. Tax ID: 83-1208258